Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Back on!

Yes its true over the Christmas holiday period the blog has been a little bit quite as well as the 18's racing. However it's all "BACK ON" now with CST Composites currently taking part in the Australian Championships placing 8th last weekend in the first race of the series.

After having Iain and Kyle having to drop out of the JJ in Febuary I have been hunting around for our usual Super Subs and came up with the goods CST's crew for the JJ are as follows,

Skipper: Dave
Sheet: Ferris
Bow: Rissol

Two former champions of the JJ and 18's. Our first sail together will be on the Australia day long weekend followed by another practice sail then a whole heap of boat work that I'm sure I'm going to be busy with and then it will be straight into the regatta.

Hopefully we can go well!